March, 2024
By Steve Finch
On March 7 Patagonia welcomed Craig Johnson, the author of the “Longmire” series. He gave a presentation at the library in the morning, signed books at the Patagonia Trading Post in the afternoon, and gave another presentation and reading at a fundraiser in the evening. The evening fundraiser at the Patagonia Creative Arts Center and Tin Shed benefited the Creative Arts Center and the Friends of the Patagonia Library.
Special thanks to Craig Johnson, to Cynie Kiger Murray who did so much to arrange the visit while Craig Johnson was attending the Tucson Book Festival, to the Library and the Arts Center staffs, to the Trading Post crew and to donors who covered many of the costs involved with the event.
Another great example of the way Patagonians work together for the community.

Photo by Cynie Kiger Murray
October, 2023
The week of October 15th – 21st has been officially declared the
The Friends of the Library Board sends their appreciation to the Patagonia Town Council for their recognition of the work we do.

September, 2023
By Marilyn Majalca
Several years ago, our extended family decided to forego the more typical Christmas gift exchange of wine and try something new. We chose something very inexpensive but also good for our heads and/or hearts. A book! But only a used book. Preferably free. Given the rise of Little Free Libraries in many neighborhoods, it seemed an easy task.
Everyone wrapped a book; we played a common game for choosing a package with an unknown gift and traded as necessary to keep us all happy. My husband picked Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, a classic never read. I chose a niece’s favorite Christmas book. Only one person deviated from the used book mandate and purchased a hot-off-the-press, long-awaited autobiography, which we passed around for the next six months to a collective delight.
Maybe we should do it again. The Friends of Patagonia Library keep the shelves of the library’s indoor book sale well-stocked from our great donations. The book sale during the Sky Islands Artisan Market in October, has even more opportunities to find the perfect used book for one’s gift list. Look for us in the town park or in Cady Hall for all the hidden gems.

April, 2023
Fourteen tables of trivia buffs gathered for “Let’s Get Quizzical”, the 4th annual Friends of the Library Trivia Night, held under the stars behind the Patagonia Library.
Emcees Francesca Claverie and Kate Peake took the 89 participants through six rounds of questions created by the brilliant Quiz Master Jan Herron and her daughter, Suzannah.
The winning team “Farr Better at Something Else” was led by Molly Anderson while Claire Bonelli’s name was drawn and she went home with the proceeds of the 50/50 raffle.
A lively, competitive game helped the Friends raise over $3,000 to support library programs and collections. Plans are already underway for Trivia Night 2024. The Friends of the Library hope to see you and your quiz team there.