Hot off the Press…
There is nothing we love more than inviting local authors to read their creations to our patrons. During the recent opening of the revamped Teen Room, we were lucky enough to have four of the six recent graduates of the Universe Within STEAM World Building program join us to read excerpts from their novels. They entertained us with tales of superhero characters who solve major social or environmental problems in their worlds.
And the great news is all these books are now available for checkout at the Library!! You too can be inspired by the world the youth of our community envision.
Click here for more information about the fabulous Universe Within program, designed and offered at no charge by the Mat Bevel Company.

Grand Re-Opening of the Teen Room
The long-awaited grand opening of the revamped Teen Room was held on Saturday, October 19th and was attended by many who had a hand in creating this fun and comfortable space. The backstory is that former library director Kayla Miller had a desire to create a space for the youth of this community that would foster and encourage literacy in a comfortable and safe space. She noticed reading and reading comprehension was a struggle for some teens in town and wanted to be a part of helping them embrace literacy. Ms. Miller applied for a grant through the Library Services and Technology Act Fund and was awarded $10,000.00 in late 2023. Furniture, Laptops, games, books, art supplies, software, and an iPad were purchased to enhance this space.
When Linda Shore, chairman of the Library Advisory Board, heard of Ms. Miller’s teen room makeover she wanted to help. Kayla shared her vision of wanting to have a mural painted on the wall that added color and life to the room which led to Ryan, Linda and Tom Shore graciously donating the money to purchase the art supplies. Local artist Jacqui Treinen helped orchestrate this beautiful endeavor. Jacqui, along with 8 other artists brought the unique work of art to life. This mural, entitled “Books Open Up New Worlds” has been dedicated in loving memory of Sam Shore (1979-2024).
The library staff would like to thank all the artists who contributed to this masterpiece, Jacqui Treinen, David Krest, Gisa Kruegar, Kayla Miller, Benjamin Krzys, Andrew Botz, Thomas Botz, Lily Harsh and Sally Warren. We also send a big thank you to Kayla Miller for her vision and dedication to this project that will benefit the youth in our community.

The Seed Lending Library
Bring a few. Take a few.
No matter the season, the Semilloteca Seed Library is always open, and we are looking for seed donations to expand our offerings to our growers.
Bring some seeds to share and take some home to plant.
Author Talk by A. Thomas Cole
Reprinted by permission of the Patagonia Regional Times

Today the 11,300 acres that make up the Pitchfork Ranch provide an important setting for carbon sequestration, wildlife habitats, and space for the reintroduction of endangered or threatened species.
Middle Schoolers Visit the Library
Reprinted by permission of the Patagonia Regional Times
Every so often, a group of middle schoolers and their teachers will come visit the library before our opening hours to have a full hour of undivided attention and assistance from the library staff.

As hectic as these mornings can be, I love having the chance to get to know the kids, understand what they’re looking for, and showing them that the library is here to help however we can.
During their visit in March, the kids pointed out something lacking at our library – books in Spanish! At least a third of them came into the library looking for Spanish books and found a meager handful. Desperate to fulfil their reading needs before their next visit, the library has added around two dozen Spanish chapter and YA books.
I highly encourage everyone, regardless of their fluency level, to try one of these books! Not only are YA/chapter books fun to read, reading in multiple languages is a great workout for your brain. Whether you are a fully fluent, native speaker looking to enjoy a good story, a beginner looking for something simpler to read, or someone just honing their Spanish skills, this new collection of books will have something for you.
The Graphic Novel Genre
Reprinted by permission of the Patagonia Regional Times
Graphic novels, manga, comic books, and the like continue to be an incredibly misunderstood genre. One of the complaints I hear most often from parents is that their kids keep reading comic books instead of “real books.”
Well, I have great news for all frustrated parents out there: comic books are great for your children’s reading comprehension! A 2014 study published in The International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education found that in addition to student enjoyment, “the use of graphic novels also improved student comprehension and deeper understanding of reading material.”

Comic books can also introduce complex issues. “Squire” by Nadia Shammas, for example, covers topics such as racism and discrimination in a story that is easy for kids to understand and learn from.
For those who are not familiar with graphic novels, let me tell you, they are really fun to read! The use of illustrations and other art forms can create a beautifully immersive reading experience for all ages, not just for children. “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy, is a graphic novel that explores anxiety and societal expectations that many adults feel. “Maus: My Father Bleeds History” by Art Spiegelman, tells the story of one man’s experiences in a Holocaust concentration camp, and how his trauma ended up affecting his children as well.
Give graphic novels a chance… and let your kids read them too!
Foodies are Always Welcome
Reprinted by permission of the Patagonia Regional Times
As the year comes to an end and the winter approaches, everyone has just one thing on their mind: good food. No? Just me? For anyone who shares the same love of food, the Patagonia Library has great book options for you.