March 2025


February 2025


Local Authors

January 2025

Writers in the ‘hood

To start off the new year, we’re pleased to put the spotlight on the works of some of our favorite local authors, including:
Susan Lowell – “Three Little Javelinas”
Jim Harrison – “Legends of the Fall”
Kristin Gudenkauf – “How to Snuggle a Wiggly Worm”
Gary Nabhan – “Agave Spirits: The Past, Present and Future of Mezcals”
Phillip Caputo – “Memory and Desire”
Edward Abbey – “The Monkey Wrench Gang”
J.A. Jance – “The J.P. Beaumont Series”


Local Authors

Patagonia Library’s Storywalk® which launched in 2019 is an innovative and delightful way for children and adults to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. Take a walk through Patagonia’s town park starting by the old train depot at Town Hall as you read laminated pages from a selected children’s book installed along the length of the park’s walkway.

This month’s feature is “Over and Under the Snow” by Kate Messner. It is available to check out plus our friends at The Patagonia Trading Post have copies in stock for you to take home to read again.


April newsletter

December 2024

Treat yourself to a great collection of CRAFTS and COOKBOOKS.

Please stop by to see the interesting assortment of recipes for crafts and yummy dishes that our staff has pulled together just for you.


April newsletter

November 2024

This is Native American Heritage month

The month the Library celebrates indigenous people – those who lived in the area before colonists arrived, defined new borders and began to occupy the land.

Stop by to take a look at the interesting assortment of books our staff would love to share with you.


Collaborating with The Universe Within …

April newsletter

Written by Paula Shaper

Today, as part of The Universe Within, we went to the Patagonia PublicLibrary to hear from astronomer Tom Arny and ask questions.

We covered a lot in an hour about physics from gravity, to electromagnetism, black holes, tides forces and much more! It was a great day for our crew that meets every Friday in the loft of the #patagoniavolunteerfire. Thank you everyone for inspiring our youth. #imagination #sciencelab #astronomy #StellarEvolution

April newsletter

Answer the call of Mother Nature with our brand new Wilderness Exploration program.


Check out a backpack and enjoy your time in Patagonia exploring the birds, butterflies and wildflowers our lovely area has to offer, a hop, skip and jump away in the Tucson Audubon Paton Center for Hummingbirds and the Nature Conservancy.

A Patagonia library card will get you on your way to see the amazing flora and fauna Southern Arizona has to offer.

April newsletter

October 2024

The library staff was busy this month. We declared it “Fan Favorites” month and displayed our patrons’ favorite books and movies in several spots around the library. Ask us about the list of items that were recommended.

We also participated in the annual career day at Patagonia Public Schools. Our Library Clerk, Deb got an opportunity to share with students our current program offerings, events and what it’s like working at the library. 📚

April newsletter

September 2024

This is National Banned Book month

This is an annual awareness campaign promoted world wide by the American Library Association and Amnesty International, that celebrates the freedom to read, draws attention to banned and challenged books, and highlights persecuted individuals.

The United States campaign “stresses the importance of ensuring the availability of those unorthodox or unpopular viewpoints to all who wish to read them”